The Master Locksmith
445 W. Washington Street
Sequim, WA 98382
“Experience Makes the Difference”

Emtek Products
We’ve been working with Emtek products since 1999. We were the first company to introduce this decorative product line to our customers on the North Olympic Peninsula.
What many people don’t realize about Emtek products is you can do split finish options; with no pricing difference. Whether it’s having two different styles of hardware (they have to be from the same “collection” group; contemporary, American, Crystal & Porcelain, Arts & Crafts, Rustic Living, Tuscany or Art nouveau) or a split finish; the cost of the product is the higher of the two styles. Unlike other companies, Emtek doesn’t up charge for color or for function. (Passage, privacy, or patio).
The nice thing about this acquisition is it allowed Emtek to use even stronger deadbolts than they had previously. The bolt that is used in the Medeco products is now also used in the Emtek products. The other nice thing about this, is you can use Medeco cylinders in the Emtek deadbolts. So, if you are in an area which may require higher security options, you can add Medeco cylinders; which also happen to offer one of the maximum safety possibilities available on the market.

Come visit our showroom
to see the Emtek Products!
*I must add my own little note here. If you are thinking about purchasing this product from another company, then I would discourage you from taking up our time to explain the benefits and option of this line to simply take all you learn to a competitor. Our shop is located in an economically depressed area and the time we are taking to spending sharing it with you is time we could be investing in someone who actually does want to do business with us. We sell this product at list. While we understand others offer discounts – we also know they don’t explain the versatility of the product line and often don’t offer the split finish options like we do. Also, we are one of the few places, that because we have been doing business with the company for so long, often do onsite repair work when needed. If you do not purchase the product from us, we charge for these services. ~Shauna Millar
Contact Us About Your Project TODAY!
The Master Locksmith
located at
445 W. Washington St.
Sequim, WA 98382
(360) 683-8817
Serving the Communities of the
North Olympic Peninsula
in Washington State:
Port Angeles
Port Townsend
and surrounding communities